Jan 23, 2019

We’ve all been there, we’re driving down the road, minding our own business and out of nowhere a car changes lanes and cuts you off…without even signaling…THE AUDACITY! If I had to guess I would say that this has happened to you and that it has happened more than once. This then leads you to get angry and the road rage sets in, and that leads to unsafe driving. So this week we want to help remind all drivers what a turn signal is and when it is appropriate to use it.

I know some of you might think I’m joking or wonder why I am taking the time to write about something that all drivers know how to do. And it’s true, all drivers do know how to use their turn signal but not all drivers do, and that is the issue. A turn signal is not just for changing lanes, and it’s important to your safety and other driver’s safety to use your turn signal. When you don’t use your signal, you don’t allow drivers behind you enough time to react, in lots of cases these cause accidents. It is also illegal to not use your turning signal, so I’m just trying to save you a ticket! Take a few minutes to look over when you should use your turning signal and why. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call and we will answer all of your questions to the best of our ability!

You should use your signal when…


Changing lanes:

  • When you need to change lanes, turn on your turn signal first.
  • This gives the cars around you ample time to slow down and prepare for you to get over.
  • Then check your surroundings to make sure you have room to change lanes.
  • Keep your turn signal on until you have gotten over completely, and then turn your signal off.
  • Do not wait to signal until you are already in process of changing lanes.



  • There’s a big difference between slowing down to make a turn and slowing down because you realized you were speeding
  • Turning right generally requires slowing down to almost a full stop (and turning left almost always requires coming to a full stop) to ensure you are making the turn at a safe speed and to assess your surroundings.
  • Without your turn signal, the cars behind you are left to guess why you are breaking, and they may misjudge the situation.


Out of a side street:

  • This important to let drivers know I you’re going left or right
  • If you’re are turning right, you have the right away
  • If you’re going left you don’t have to wait for the other people to go first


At a Stoplight:


  • If there is a turning lane signal that you are going into that lane and leave your signal on until you’ve completed the turn
  • If there is no turning lane it is especially important to use your signal so the cars around you know that you are turning