Sep 29, 2017


In my experience, navigating the Target parking lot feels like a high-stakes game of Frogger (shout out to the 90s kids who learned SUPER unsafe road safety habits from this game). For those of you unfamiliar with the game Frogger, I weep for your childhood. It was one of my most favorite, and deeply frustrating, games of my childhood. Basically, you need to bob and weave through some fairly aggressive traffic and across moving logs and lily pads to get safely to your froggy home. It is basically 2D chaos. Similarly, trying to make your way through the target parking lot is just a nightmare. Small children sprinting all over the place, people taking up 4 parking spaces at once, people on their phones. IT IS MADNESS. So Today we’re going to go ahead and try to break down some basic parking lot etiquette so that we can all make it out of there alive!


DO drive slowly through the parking lot. There are a lot of children and even adults that walk through the parking lot without paying any attention so driving slowly will only help your reaction time

DO pay attention to your surroundings! Many Mitsubishi vehicles are equipped with a rearview backup camera to help particularly in a busy parking lot.

DO signal if you plan to take a parking space.

DO NOT take a spot that someone else is signaling for.

DO NOT park too close to another car.

DO NOT park across multiple spots.

DO NOT park in an electric vehicle charging spot.

DO NOT block someone’s trunk or tailgate.

DO NOT pull your car so far into the parking space that it appears to be free.

DO park a safe distance away from other vehicles if you don’t want your car hit or scratched and want to keep it safe, rather than taking up 4 parking spots. I’m looking at you guy in the red Mitsubishi 3000GT!

DO NOT park unevenly.

DO back out slowly.


Accidents happen, but taking safety precautions can help to reduce those numbers. Stay safe and be respectful! Check out Younger Mitsubishi’s wide variety of vehicles equipped with a backup camera to help you safely navigate the chaos that is a parking lot!