Mar 2, 2018

With spring well on its way (can we all say “hellooooo, March”?) it’s time to think about spring cleaning. It seems daunting, but at the same time we can’t avoid it. It’s like some kind of natural urge we have to de-winterize and clear out the nests we’ve built ourselves during the colder months. When the weather gets even slightly warmer, you can bet that those windows in the house are open to let in the fresh air! When it comes to your car, spring cleaning is still a thing you can do. Take a look at our tips for getting your vehicle clean and ready to tackle the season ahead!

Number one: focus on the interior carpeting and upholstery. Using a damp towel, wash down the seats. Get rid of any rock salt debris, mud or dry dirt on the carpeting with a firm brush or a carpet cleaner, if you have access to one.

Next, switch gears and tackle your console. Avoid getting electrical connections wet, but do wipe them down appropriately. Clean out your cup holders as well, using cloths or a vacuum. Use a wet cloth to get the top of the dashboard, but be careful to dry it off thoroughly.

Wash your windows as well – the insides and the outsides. What’s better than seeing clearly out the windows? Well, okay, driving with the windows down might be. But hey, it’s a good thing to do!

Check out the trunk of your vehicle next. Clean out everything that has collected over the winter. This is also a good time to make sure that your spare tire is still in good shape! Be sure your emergency kit is in order as well. Vacuum the trunk out.

Wash your car thoroughly with car shampoo and a soft microfiber cloth. Make sure to hose down your undercarriage well to get all the salt and road grime from the winter off and stop rust from growing.

Check your wheels and tires and make sure you’ve got good tire pressure and that your wheels are in good shape after the winter.

Finally, replace your wipers with fresh ones. Winter can really damage your wipers, and with spring rain you’ll need all the clarity you can get!
