Mar 9, 2020

Spring is right around the corner and we know you’re itching to get out and adventure in the warmer weather. However, before that happens, you need to make sure that your vehicle is in shape to get you there without running into issues down the road! That means it’s time to start your spring cleaning/maintenance on your vehicle. After the rough winter month, your vehicle deserves and needs some TLC. Luckily for you, we’ve done the hard work for you and started a spring to-do list for you! If you find that you don’t have time or are in need of assistance on any of the services below, we invite you to schedule a service appointment or stop into Younger Mitsubishi today! Our team can help get your ride in tip-top shape in no time! 

Remove the winter tires

  • This might be an obvious one, but many of us live fast-paced lives and we either forget or put it off as long as we can. But the truth is, leaving your winter tires on during the whole year can actually cause a lot of damage and even be dangerous. Once it looks like the coast is clear and we won’t be getting any more snow, set a day to change out your tire. 


Wash car’s exterior

  • Wash and wax your vehicle’s exterior to get rid of dust, dirt, and salt that has built up during the winter. Don’t forget to clean the tires, headlights and underneath for a full cleaning! If you’re not one to roll up your sleeves, no problem! A full-service car wash will do the same and usually isn’t too much money. 


Clean the trunk

  • Our truck is basically our closet on the go. We tend to throw a lot of useless stuff in there and then when we need to use it, we find that there is no room. Well, it’s time to rip off the bandaid and take everything out. Yes, I mean everything! Make a keep and throwout pile, whatever you don’t need in your vehicle be sure to bring it inside and not to put it back in your trunk. Make some space for new things and don’t forget to shake the trunk carpet liner.


Clean the interior

  • Don’t have a clean exterior and a messy interior, it’s dangerous to have your floors covered in clutter and you’ll feel better when your vehicle is cleaned up. You should also check under the seats and vacuum all the dirt and dried salt. Don’t ignore your vehicle’s seats. Make sure you don’t use any chemicals, which can cause damage, and rub the seats with a wet cloth instead. For more info on what to use, just check your owner’s manual. 


Look under the hood

  • Under the hood is where the heart of your vehicle lives. Make sure that it is clean and nothing is trapped inside is important. A clean engine prolongs the life of your engine as well as prevents any further mechanical issues. Clean your engine components with soap and water and be sure to wipe down your engine till it’s dry. Never work under the hood in the engine is hot!