Aug 21, 2017


On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be given the rare opportunity to see a solar eclipse! Anyone within the path of totality, in which the moon will completely cover the sun and the sun’s delicate atmosphere – the corona- will see a total solar eclipse. Anyone outside of the path of totality will be able to see a partial eclipse. Depending on your location, there will be varying degrees of eclipse visible. The path of totality will stretch from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. For this celestial event the longest period when the moon completely blocks the sun from any given location along the path will be about two minutes and 40 seconds. The last time the contiguous U.S. saw a total eclipse was in 1979.


Astronomers and citizen scientists across the total eclipse’s 3,000-mile long path will focus their attention on the white, wispy corona. The sun’s corona is the thin plasma veil that encases the star and burns more than a million degrees hotter than the sun’s surface. It will be observed with telescopes, and few scientists will even be collecting images of the corona from airplanes soaring about 45,000 feet in the air.

Eclipses happen about once every 18 months, but because Earth’s surface is covered mostly by water, they tend to occur over remote locations that are difficult for scientists to reach with advanced equipment for observation. What is most exciting about this particular eclipse is that for most American scientists it is very likely the most accessible total solar eclipse since the last one to touch the lower 48 states in 1979. And in those 38 years, the technological advances in equipment has been quite impressive and should result in some groundbreaking discoveries.

In honor of this glorious celestial Mitsubishi will host an Eclipse viewing that you CAN stare at! Like the name implies, the launching of the new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross is as rare an event as a solar eclipse. To honor that rarity, we will have a photo shoot of the Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross driving under the total eclipse, resulting in a magnificent and memorable reveal. Fortunately for auto lovers and Mitsubishi enthusiasts around the world, this is just the beginning. In the Eclipse Cross, stylish coupe lines blend seamlessly with the athletic movement of a crossover. The result: a revolutionary vehicle like nothing we have produced before. Sleek and muscular, the Eclipse Cross debuts with a high-saturation red painted body that echoes the brilliant prominence of its solar namesake.


Be sure to watch live today at 12pm to see this once in a lifetime event in which the all-new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross is captured underneath the Total Eclipse in Salem, Oregon. Tune in for a look behind the scenes and watch the epic photo shoot unfold as we capture both Eclipses in the same shot before the celestial event ends. #TotalEclipseCross

For more information you can check out this event page and keep up or you can go to the Mitsubishi Eclipse page to watch! Be sure to check back with Younger Mitsubishi for the blindingly beautiful 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross!