Apr 13, 2023

I think it is safe to say that most, if not all drivers know what windshield wipers purpose is, and why they are important. They clear your windshield from dirt, debris, snow, rain, or anything that blocks your view from the road and other drivers. They are a key aspect to driver’s safety, yet many drivers tend to neglect their windshield wipers until the point of no return. What I mean by this is is that there are precautions you can take to prolong the lifespan of your wipers, but you have maintenance them first.  One of the biggest issues is that many drivers don’t know when it is appropriate to change their wipers. Well, for all of those drivers, this week’s blog goes out to you! Below we have a handful of helpful tips for you that will let you know what to look for when inspecting your wipers. So take a peek below and if you need your wipers replaced, be sure to stop in or order your wipers right on our site!

What to look for:

  • Broken frame: detachment from frame arms
  • Metal corrosion: specifically at joints and claws
  • Cracks, tears, or missing pieces in the rubber
  • Check squeegee’s wiping edge, if it is rounded the wiper blade will be unable to make strong contact with the windshield

Maintenance tips:

  • Wiper blades should be checked at least every six months and changed out once a year. Weather conditions play a vital role in the life of your wiper blades and can sometimes cause them to deteriorate at a quickened pace.
  • Check over both the squeegee and the metal frames to avoid common problems like streaking, skipping, splitting, and clattering. By doing this you will avoid reduced visibility when weather strikes.

These tips can help your blades:

  • Clean your windshield each time you fill up your gas tank
  • Gently wipe off any dirt or oil with a damp towel that has built up on the rubber squeegee.