Apr 20, 2023

Spring has finally sprung and is in full swing! But with the chirping birds, blooming buds, and sunnier weather comes a higher amount of animal activity. This means drivers have to be more aware of all the critters who will be out and about; especially deer! Being proactive is essential when it comes to avoiding collisions with deer in high population areas. Here are some additional tips to help you stay safe on the road:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and take note of deer crossing signs. 
  • Use your horn. If you see a deer on the side of the road, honk your horn to scare it away.
  • Wear your seatbelt. In the event of a collision with a deer, wearing your seatbelt can help prevent serious injuries.
  • Follow the speed limit. Speeding increases your chances of colliding with a deer and can make accidents more severe.
  • Don’t rely on deer whistles. While some drivers use deer whistles to scare deer away from their vehicles, there is little evidence to suggest that they are effective.
  • If a collision seems inevitable, DO NOT SLAM ON THE BRAKES. This could cause the deer to roll up and through your windshield upon impact.

By taking these steps, drivers can be more proactive in avoiding collisions with deer at intersections. Remember, staying alert and being prepared can help keep you and other drivers safe on the road.