Feb 9, 2018

People often say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. I wouldn’t disagree with that at all, but I would also say that if we’re talking about cars, that’s also true. Just switch out “eyes” with “headlights,” and you’re all set!

Okay, not really, but your headlights are very important to your safety, and sometimes they can fail on us. When that happens, what do you do? What went wrong? Find out in this week’s blog!

So, if only one of your headlights is out then it’s probably because that bulb burned out. That’s fine, but you’ll need to get it replaced.

If both of your headlights are out, then it’s probably not that both bulbs are burnt out; rather, it’s likely that you have a broken relay or control switch that needs to be repaired as soon as humanly possible. You should not be driving at night or in the rain if your headlights don’t work!

If both headlights do work, then you’re good! But they might be a little dimmer than you’d prefer, which is an easy fix. Give them a good wash with a cleaning solution and a clean microfiber cloth. If they’re still dim, then come talk to us about headlight reconditioning!

If your headlights only go dim in certain situations, such as when you’re accelerating, then you might have a problem with your charging system. Let us know if this happens at your next appointment!