Feb 2, 2018


Road rage is, unfortunately, a fact of life when you’re driving, and especially if you’re driving at rush hour. Luckily, we have some ways to combat road rage – both that of others and your own!

If you’re being tailgated, wait until it’s safe and then let them pass you. Wave them on if they need a little help, but just let them get past you so they aren’t putting you in danger or making you upset!

Always plan for delays, no matter where you’re going. Leave a little early and don’t make plans that start before you can reasonably get there. It’s always better to be early to your destination than late because you were in an accident, and the anxiety that some people get from being late can very quickly turn into road rage and aggressive driving.

Focus on safety. This is something you should always be doing anyway, but when you’re free of distractions (like your cell phone, passengers, music, etc.) you drive safer and are calmer. That’s a fact!

If you know that you’re more prone to road rage than the average driver, try calming music or quiet talk radio in the car to keep your head level. It does work, and if you’re stuck in gridlock it’s something to take your mind off the traffic.

Don’t honk the horn unless it’s really absolutely necessary. Horns make other drivers upset and can even make you more upset subconsciously. Just… lay off, okay?


Finally, if you come across someone else who is having road rage, move aside and let them get past. When they’re not around you, they’re not endangering you or contributing to your own anger. It’s a win/win scenario!